The Son Of A Professional Baseball Player Is On Life Support After Suffering A Horrific Injury At A Baseball Tournament

We're crossing all of our fingers for him right now.

Nellie Lee
Created by Nellie Lee (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 26, 2017
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This is Keith Lockhart. He plays professional baseball for the Atlanta Braves:

Last week, his 15 year old son Jason (pictured left) was hit in the face with a baseball while sliding into home plate.

Jason was playing in a baseball tournament at the time.

Jason went to the hospital, and doctors treated him for a broken nose. Little did they know, Jason's injury was far worse than they thought.

When Jason went back to the hospital for a checkup, the doctors realized his fractured nose had lacerated an artery.

Here's Jason being a complete badass in the hospital. Go Jason!

But, things got scarier after that. Jason underwent surgery to reset his broken nose, and he wouldn't stop bleeding afterward.

His bleeding got so bad, that doctors sedated Jason into a 'paralytic state' so that he could actually heal.

Jason's sister Sydney (below right) posted updates on Facebook regarding her brother's condition.

Thursday night/Friday morning were the hardest of the five days of stress and traumatic situations that had our family feeling defeated. Friday night has been our first calm night with no major bleed or emergency surgery."

Sydney Lockhart, Jason's sister

But! There's good news about how Jason's doing.

[We are] confident Jason will be OK. Jason just came out of surgery. Doctors located three areas of bleeding and stopped the flow of blood. We are all encouraged about today!"

Keith Lockhart, Jason's dad

Hooray for Jason's recovery!

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