We Are Living For These Hilarious Pics Of Animals In Predicaments
We Are Living For These Hilarious Pics Of Animals In Predicaments
Simply pawsome!
Simply pawsome!
It's no secret that animals are pretty much the best.
And they're even better when they're being hilarious!
Which is why we're totally LIVING for this new Facebook page called Animals In Predicaments!
It's the gift that truly keeps on giving.
Like this dog surrounded by TOO. MANY. BUNS.
Or this gravity-defying cat, who has no idea how to get down from there.
Or this cockatiel meeting one of its own kind:
We've all been this polystyrene-covered cat:
And who DOESN'T need a pizza-balancing pony? We'll take 5!
This bird drowning his sorrows in Cool Whip is us at the end of a long day.
And this frog's hat game is totally on point!
We're laughing so hard, we're ready for a nap on a banana, just like this tiny pupperino:
Animals are truly #blessed!
Share this ridiculously funny story with all of your friends!