Winter Is Coming: Which GoT Man Will Keep You Warm?
Winter Is Coming: Which GoT Man Will Keep You Warm?
"Stick 'em with the pointy end", indeed.
"Stick 'em with the pointy end", indeed.

Yes, winter is coming, but you're going to need to stay warm. Pick a GoT fire:
Which battle will you win?
Girl, you need to look good for your man. Pick your fave Daenerys hair:
What's your favorite deadly sin?
Pick a favorite legendary fantasy leading man!
Preferred place to snuggle up with your honey?
Annnd finally, pick the GoT phrase you identify with the most:
Your GoT man is: Tyrion Lannister!
Your GoT man is: Tyrion Lannister!
Your GoT man is a party boy who finds himself in the middle of drama, pretty much every day, all the time. Hanging with your Tyrion means signing up for a wild ride. Buy the ticket, and hang on! This one's going to be fun.
Your GoT man is: Jaime Lannister!
Your GoT man is: Jaime Lannister!
Your GoT man is Jaime Lannister, and he's in constant conflict with those around him. The modern-day equivalent would be a Wall Street stockbroker, or a tech mogul, flaunting rules and making money left and right. Enjoy the high times, but try to keep your feet on the ground, too.
Your GoT man is: Jon Snow!
Your GoT man is: Jon Snow!
No matter how bad things get, or how many times people try to kill him, this GoT man just keeps coming back to life. All of those battles really take it out of a person. Make your time with your Jon Snow extra relaxing and chill, because yeah, war is hard.
Your GoT man is: Theon Greyjoy!
Your GoT man is: Theon Greyjoy!
Your GoT man always gets himself into scrapes (and forced servitude.) Reminds us of Joseph in The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Joseph's ability to decode dreams earned him a seat amongst kings. Hold onto your Theon, dear, as he's got very valuable skills.
Your GoT Man is: Littlefinger!
Your GoT Man is: Littlefinger!
You like bad boys, my dear. We totally get it. Wisecracking, breaking rules, taking life for the grandest ride there is. Bad boys are what makes your world go around. Just be careful with your heart, because you never know what random move your Littlefinger will make next.
Your GoT man is: Jorah Mormont!
Your GoT man is: Jorah Mormont!
You like to take chances on men who aren't a sure thing. Because risks are your spice of life, of course. Just make sure to keep in mind that someone who's here now most likely won't be here forever. Take your warmth where you can get it!