What is Your Actual Sexual Orientation?
What is Your Actual Sexual Orientation?
The Kinsey scale was developed by Alfred Kinsey in 1948 and is designed to prove that people don't fit exclusively into the categories of homosexual and heterosexual, but rather lie somewhere in between. Where do you fall on the scale?
The Kinsey scale was developed by Alfred Kinsey in 1948 and is designed to prove that people don't fit exclusively into the categories of homosexual and heterosexual, but rather lie somewhere in between. Where do you fall on the scale?

Are you male or female?
Who do you have sex with?
Do you avoid watching "gay" (if you're a man) or "lesbian" (if you're a woman) pornography?
Would you avoid a threesome due to the presence of a member of the same sex?
I am only attracted to members of the opposite gender.
I want to experience sex with both men and women at some point in my life.
Have you ever had a sexual experience with a member of the same gender?
Do you fantasize about men and women equally?
Are you sexually submissive?
Who are you more emotionally connected with?
Straight as an arrow
Straight as an arrow
You are a 0 on the Kinsey scale meaning that you are exclusively attracted to members of the opposite sex and have never had any sexual experiences or fantasies about the opposite gender. You prefer to stick solely with the opposite sex and are not likely to experience any bisexual or homosexual encounters in the future.
You’re an open minded heterosexual
You’re an open minded heterosexual
You are most likely a 1 or 2 on the Kinsey scale. This means that you’re predominantly attracted to members of the opposite sex, but there have been incidences in which the idea of a same sex encounter felt intriguing. Regardless of if you ever act upon these feelings or not, it goes to show that you are open minded and tolerant of other people’s preferences. Good for you!
You’re a fluid heterosexual
You’re a fluid heterosexual
While you are mostly attracted to members of the opposite sex, you are open minded when it comes to experiences with members of your own gender. This goes to show that you are tolerant of others and have the confidence to express your fluid sexuality.
You are romantically and sexually attracted to both males and females. You are open to the idea of a relationship with either gender and have the unique ability to emotionally connect with the feminine and masculine sides of your being. Sometimes bisexuality is very misunderstood, however there are millions of people just like you in the world!
You're a fluid homosexual
You're a fluid homosexual
While you are predominantly attracted to members of the same sex, you remain open to the idea of a sexual encounter with a member of the opposite sex. There may have been a few incidences when you had a chance to act on it, and regardless of if you did or not, it goes to show that you are open minded and tolerant! Good going!
Exclusively homosexual
Exclusively homosexual
You are a 6 on the Kinsey Scale which means that your sexual orientation is predominantly homosexual. You are exclusively attracted to members of the same sex and it is incredibly unlikely that you will fantasize about or have a sexual encounter with a member of the opposite gender.