What Is Your Orange Is The New Black Personality Type?
What Is Your Orange Is The New Black Personality Type?
Which of your personality traits would help you survive lock up in Litchfield?
Which of your personality traits would help you survive lock up in Litchfield?

Rules are meant to be:
Which of these jobs would you rather have in prison?
Which of these crimes would most likely land you in Litchfield Penitentiary?
The best revenge is _____.
Which of these things would you miss most from the outside world?
Which of these things makes you the most angry?
Who is the first person you called when you got locked up?
What's the first thing you'd do after you got released from Litchfield?
The Nurturer
The Nurturer
You approach the world with a warm and kind heart with the intention to believe in the best in people. As a conscientious person with a keen sense of observation, you tend to absorb information about people and situations, yet you are also sensitive to the feelings of others. That's what makes you such a nurturing caregiver and just like Sophia Burset, you always give sound and concrete advice that is inspired by your values.
The Communicator
The Communicator
As the consummate extrovert, you are enthusiastic, energetic and excel at things you're passionate about. You believe each and every day is a gift and have an undeniable sense of adventure. Although your thirst for life is unquenchable, it can sometimes land you in trouble, or in Piper Chapman's case, Litchfield Penitentiary. You tend to wear your heart on your sleeve and trust people very easily, even though you know you shouldn't. Just look out for people like Alex Vause who tend to take advantage of your kindness!
The Commander
The Commander
Hardworking, grounded and a natural born leader, there is no task that you can't complete if you put your mind to it. There are times when you've been hurt by people you thought you could trust, but this has taught you to work hard and believe in your own instincts. Just like Red, you know how to influence others and gain their trust and loyalty. It is important to you to be in charge, but remember to delegate from time to time and watch out for those who might want to see you fail!
The Advocate
The Advocate
Although you're a soft-spoken individual, your idealism, egalitarianism and overall sense of morality leave a lasting impact on those around you. Ever since you can remember you've used your imagination and creativity to solve problems and connect with others who rely on you for guidance. Although justice and ethics guide you, you're not afraid to disobey the rules to do what's right. Like Litchfield's own Sister Ingalls, you're a real activist and while you may appear a bit strict in your ways, you're a powerful force to be reckoned with!
The Therapist
The Therapist
As someone who tends to rely on feelings and intuition rather than hard facts and logic, your energy is primarily focused internally. You excel at activities such as writing and the arts and you feel best when you feel as though you are working towards the greater good of others. Like Yoga Jones, you're usually asking yourself how you can serve humanity and will always be on a quest to discover your purpose and the meaning of life.
The Executive
The Executive
You tackle life head on and when you see a problem that needs a solution, you want to be the one to find it. Often times, you can be stubborn when it comes to letting others take the reigns, but thats just because you have a the ability to make important decisions quickly and don't want to be slowed down. Independent, organized and equipped with a strong intuition, you're ready for anything but just like Alex Vause, you love hard and you hate hard. Let's just say, it's better to be on your good side...