How tired are you?
How tired are you?
Falling asleep on your feet, or so tired you're wired? Take our test to find out.
Falling asleep on your feet, or so tired you're wired? Take our test to find out.
1. Your friend invites you for a girls’ night out. How do you react?
Where’s your other half most likely to find you when he gets home from work?
What’s your first thought when you open your eyes in the morning?
What happened to the last cup of tea you made?
Which word best describes how you feel today?
What goes through your mind before you fall asleep at night?
Your friend has offered to babysit. Do you:
What would you really like for your next birthday?
You’re treating yourself to a glass of wine. What happens?
How do you feel about the thought of having another baby?
You're 'falling asleep on your feet' tired
You're 'falling asleep on your feet' tired
You’re at that stage of knackeredness where you’re really not sure how you’re functioning. Your eye bags are approaching chin-level, and you can barely get through a sentence without stopping to yawn. You start nodding off as soon as your bottom hits the sofa, and it would take an earthquake to wake you in the morning. Frankly, it’s amazing you’re still upright.
You're 'losing your marbles' tired
You're 'losing your marbles' tired
It’s gone way beyond the point where you can blame new-mum hormones for your scattiness: tiredness has frazzled your brain to the point where you’re not sure whether you’re coming or going. You forget your friends’ birthdays, go to the shops without remembering to take your slippers off, and frequently find your door keys in the microwave. It’s only a matter of time before you leave a child or two on the bus.
You're 'can't remember what sleep feels like' tired
You're 'can't remember what sleep feels like' tired
It’s been so long since you had a full night’s sleep that you’ve forgotten what it actually feels like to be well rested. You’re at your kids’ beck and call day and night, have a permanently glazed expression and are only still functioning thanks to caffeine. If a genie granted you three wishes, you’d ask for sleep, sleep and more sleep.
You're so tired you're wired
You're so tired you're wired
Much like an overtired, hyperactive toddler, you’re so knackered you’ve passed through the pain barrier and are bursting with manic energy. Fuelled by caffeine, sugar and G&Ts, you’re a one-woman whirlwind, flying through life in a blur despite the fact that you haven’t slept properly in months. You can’t believe how fab you feel, but it’s only a matter of time before you crash and burn.