What is your true birth name?
What is your true birth name?
Is your name truly yours? Or is another more your style
Is your name truly yours? Or is another more your style

Are you a boy or a girl?
What is your favorite Style of music
Favorite Style of Food?
What is your favorite color?
Dress up or Dress down?
Witch month is your favorite?
Your stuck on an island with one thing what is it?
Ketchup or Mustard
Choose an electronic!
And finally Is the glass half empty or half full?
Would you rather wear your hair up or down?
Quirky, and Diffrent you are a total extrovert! You always are smiling and looking on the bright side of things! I suggest not caring about what other think of you as much as you do! Your amazing just the way you are! Optimistic, and Out there good jobs for you would be: Reseraunt Owner or politician!
Materialistic is your Soul trait. You like the better things in like and want all of the fancy gadgets. You buy your way to friendship and happiness and you have the money to do it. I suggest not being so self centered! Your handsome and awesome especially with your music sense! Good jobs for you are: Dj, Doctor, or a worker at a Enegry Drink Company
Minimalistic and simplistic! That's what you are you live life as a free wandering spirit not listening to anybody's rules! I suggest that you step out of your comfort zone everyone and awhile though! Cause you do tend to stay in your own personal bubble! Good jobs for you are!: Office Worker, Supermarket Manger, or Hostess
Well aren't you special! There are no real words to describe you other than quickly and outgoing! You have a great life perfectly balenced with everything you do! Your a great multitasker and you love to just be yourself! Good jobs for you are!: Anything and everything
Quirky, and Diffrent you are a total extrovert! You always are smiling and looking on the bright side of things! I suggest not caring about what other think of you as much as you do! Your amazing just the way you are! Optimistic, and Out there good jobs for you would be: Reseraunt Owner or politician!
Materialistic is your Soul trait. You like the better things in like and want all of the fancy gadgets. You buy your way to friendship and happiness and you have the money to do it. I suggest not being so self centered! Your handsome and awesome especially with your music sense! Good jobs for you are: Dj, Doctor, or a worker at a Enegry Drink Company
Minimalistic and simplistic! That's what you are you live life as a free wandering spirit not listening to anybody's rules! I suggest that you step out of your comfort zone everyone and awhile though! Cause you do tend to stay in your own personal bubble! Good jobs for you are!: Office Worker, Supermarket Manger, or Hostess
Well aren't you special! There are no real words to describe you other than quickly and outgoing! You have a great life perfectly balenced with everything you do! Your a great multitasker and you love to just be yourself! Good jobs for you are!: Anything and everything