Can You Pass Military History 202?
Can You Pass Military History 202?
Call the banners and see how you do!
Call the banners and see how you do!

How did Hannibal of Carthage famously surprise attack his Roman enemies?
Who was the Supreme Allied Commander in World War II?
Why was the American Civil War notable?
World War I saw the introduction of...
Why was the French Revolutionary Army was so successful?
Which World War II general invented the vehicle mounted machine gun?
Which military event caused European powers to look for alternate trade routes to the Far East?
What were civilians who volunteered for the continental army in the American Revolution called?
Which Commander finally defeated Napoleon at Waterloo?
TRUE or FALSE: The United States ethnically cleansed their continent of Native American tribes.
Which generation of warfare are we in right now?
What is a "Total War"?
Which country is famous for its warrior class known as the "Samurai"?
You Can Definitely Pass!
You Can Definitely Pass!
You Can Definitely Pass Military History 202! According to your answers, you are a military wizard! You have studied the history and have been pouring over the tactics used in every modern war you could find. As warfare continues to evolve, you have the making of a five-star general who may finally be able to bring peace to the world. Will you fulfill your destiny and rid the world of the evils we all must face?
You Can Pass!
You Can Pass!
You Can Pass Military History 202! According to our team of experts, you are an officer in the making! Your hard work has paid off, as you have mastered the evolution of war and committed many tactics to memory. If ever caught in the battlefield, you would indeed be a force to be reckoned with. Will you lead your men out the frying pan and the fire, to the safety of home and country?
You Just Might Pass!
You Just Might Pass!
You Just Might Pass Military History 202! According to your answers, you may have serious military potential! Knowing the historical repercussions of war as well as battle tactics are an invaluable asset in any conflict. But knowledge doesn't mean much if it's not applied. Do you have the will to apply your knowledge and lead your soldiers into the line of fire?
You Actually Won't Pass!
You Actually Won't Pass!
You Actually Won't Pass Military History 202! According to our team of experts, you just don't have the knowledge to successfully navigate any military operation. But don't lose your steam just yet! Every journey has a beginning, and you have just started yours. Will you maintain your journey for military excellence and prove that you are truly an officer in the making?