How Well Do You Know German History?
How Well Do You Know German History?
Germania Calls YOU! Will you be able to answer?
Germania Calls YOU! Will you be able to answer?

Under which ruler was most of Western Europe united under one ruler since Ancient Rome?
Which war solidified Germany as a modern empire?
Which kingdom is the forerunner to modern day Germany?
What Empire is known as the "First Reich"?
TRUE or FALSE: The forerunners of the French, the Franks, are a Germanic tribe from across the Rhine.
Which statesman is famous for putting Germany on the map in the latter half of the 19th century?
What was the Royal House of Germany?
Who was the aggressor in the Silesian Wars?
Which war effectively ended Austrian hegemony in German-speaking lands?
TRUE or FALSE: Modern day Germany was part of the Roman Empire.
Which great germanic city was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born in?
In what year did the Nazis rise to power in Germany?
Why did the Holy Roman Empire cease to exist?
Who was the very first Emperor of Germany?
TRUE or FALSE: Neanderthals are named after where they were found.
In what year was Germany reunified after 45 years of separation in the Cold War?