Only A True Samurai Could Pass This Japanese History Quiz
Only A True Samurai Could Pass This Japanese History Quiz
Hai! This test is not for the faint-hearted.
Hai! This test is not for the faint-hearted.

What is the name of the first Mythical Emperor of Japan?
The Japanese writing system was born out of which language?
Which clan would one have to claim ancestry from in order to be Shogun?
What is the name for the Warring States Period in Japan?
Who was emperor of Japan during the Second World War?
What was the form of government that held power before the Meiji Restoration?
What kind of blade is the Samurai warrior famous for wielding?
Which event sparked the beginning of the Edo Period?
What was the bakufu (shogunate) response to the increasing power of European nations?
When Matthew Perry arrived in 1853, what treaty was signed the next year, finally opening up Japan?
Which event resulted in the restoration of the Emperor Meiji?
What side were the Japanese on in the First World War?
When did Japan invade Manchuria?
TRUE or FALSE: After World War II, Japan remained a backwards nation with a small economy.
Why did Japan surrender in August of 1945?
TRUE or FALSE: The first Olympics to ever be hosted in Asia were held in Tokyo.