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Can You Pass This Expansive Classics Quiz And Prove Your Mastery Of Literature?

From Homer to Tolkien, test your knowledge on literary classics new and old!

Created by Neville
On Aug 24, 2016

Who is the original author of the horror classic, Dracula?

In which world does The Hobbit take place?

Who is the main character of "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe?

What was the plot of The Lord Of The Flies about?

What is the now quintessential term that Holden Caufield calls everyone in The Catcher In The Rye?

In which classic sci-fi novel does a spaceship come down to Earth and stay afloat for a generation?

Which of these classic novels was written by the great Voltaire?

In which story are books banned and burned in a future dystopia?

In Pride and Prejudice, who is the lord that Elizabeth Bennet falls in love with?

Which of these works were written by the ancient Greek poet, Homer?

Which of these characters was NOT one of the Three Musketeers in Alexander Dumas' classic novel?

The movie Blade Runner is based on which Philip K. Dick classic?

Who does Hamlet stab, thinking it was his stepfather Claudius?

You Definitely Know These Classics!

You Definitely Know These Classics!

You Definitely Know These Literary Classics! According to your answers, you are more than well-read, you're best-read! You have clearly read most, if not all, of the masterpieces that we mentioned! The world of literature is incredibly deep and subjective, but you have navigated its labyrinth and come out rich with knowledge and wisdom to share and apply to your own life!

You Know Them Alright!

You Know Them Alright!

You Know These Literary Classics Alright! According to our team of experts, you are well-versed in the literary classics of Western civilization! From Homer to Shakespeare, and Voltaire to Philip K. Dick, you have an impressive list of rereads to solidify into your literary arsenal. With such classics at your disposal, you're sure to navigate the labyrinth of life with ease and wisdom. Just be sure to brush up every now and then!

You May Not Know These Literary Classics!

You May Not Know These Literary Classics!

You May Not Know These Literary Classics! According to your answers, you aren't familiar with many of these masterpieces! Time can be a difficult beast to tame, but it must be done if you are to gain insight and wisdom through the stories passed down and written by those who came before us. Will you step up your game and become a literary master?

You Actually Don't Know Most Of These!

You Actually Don't Know Most Of These!

You Actually Don't Know Most Of These Literary Classics! According to our team of experts, you just haven't read or heard of many of these masterpieces. And that's just fine! It takes even more than a lifetime to achieve real literary mastery. All this means is that you are only at the beginning of your journey, and have countless worlds and people to visit between two covers!

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