Which Doctor Who Companion Should You Date?
Which Doctor Who Companion Should You Date?

Rose Tyler
Rose Tyler
You Should Date Rose Tyler! According to your answers, Rose is definitely the companion you should date! She has a very strong will and takes all new challenges with a stout heart and a strength that very few can challenge. This is perfect for you, as sometimes change can paralyze you and she is the perfect person to help guide you through it. Whether you are stranded on an Impossible Planet or stuck in an alternate universe, she will always find a way to get back to you!
Donna Noble
Donna Noble
You Should Date Donna Noble! According to our team of experts, Donna is definitely the companion you should date. Ms. Noble has a kind of stubbornness that very few possess. You two could be surrounded by lava about to kill both of you, and she still would not leave your side. You tend to get into all sorts of jams, and having someone like Donna at your side to stick by you is exactly the kind of partner you need!
Martha Jones
Martha Jones
You Should Date Martha Jones! According to your answers, Martha is the best companion for you! There's nothing you love more than helping people. That's something you two actually have in common! Chances are you two met at a soup kitchen, free clinic or homeless shelter, helping the less fortunate. Throughout time and space, there was never a power couple of charity more caring than you two!
Jack Harkness
Jack Harkness
You Should Date Captain Jack Harkness! According to your answers, Capt. Jack is definitely the guy for you. How could anyone possibly deny Captain Jack Harkness? That winning smile could get anyone to do absolutely anything, and you adore it. But behind all the charm, you are the one Jack confides in. Because only you can understand the reality of lonely it can be traveling through time and space. That communication and openness make you two a power couple for the ages.
Amy Pond
Amy Pond
You Should Date Amy Pond! According to your answers, Amy Pond is by far your perfect companion to date. The Doctor definitely likes stubborn girls, but then, so do you. They know who and what they like and what they don't like. Amy has a sense of right and wrong which is essentially your moral compass. That's a great thing, as sometimes the right choice can allude you. That's why you have Amy!
Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald
You Should Date Clara Oswald! According to our team of experts, Clara is by far the companion you must date. Cute and cuddly, and smarter than anyone you've met, save for the Doctor himself...maybe. Clara will dive into your life and come out with your heart as she runs about making life as interesting as possible, which makes her a perfect match for you!