Which Santa Are You?
Which Santa Are You?
Or are you just a ho-ho-ho?
Or are you just a ho-ho-ho?

Chandler Santa
Chandler Santa
You Are The Chandler Santa From The TV Series Friends! According to your answers, you are the goofy guy that dresses up as Santa Claus to spread the Christmas spirit and joy to the children in your life. In the episode, Chandler Bing dresses up as Santa Claus to make Ben, Ross Gellar's son feel better, because he thinks he has been naughty and that's why Santa isn't coming. In reality, Ross was trying to teach Ben about Hanukkah, so Chandler comes in dressed as Santa and asks to learn about Hanukkah from Ross and share with Ben the spirit of Christmas and Hanukkah at the same time!
Coca Cola Santa
Coca Cola Santa
You Are The Coca Cola Santa! According to our team of experts, you are the famous Coke Santa that has been seen in advertising for the last hundred years. The Coca Cola company contributed greatly to our modern image of Saint Nicholas, all while at the same time solidifying Coca Cola in the minds of all Americans. Nowadays, it is straight up Americana. This Santa signifies the classic history and charm that has always been symbolic of Father Christmas. The cheer and joy that we feel during the Holiday season just wouldn't be the same without you, Coca Cola Santa!
Fred Claus Santa
Fred Claus Santa
You Are The Santa Claus From The Move Fred Claus! According to your answers, this is the Santa Claus you are destined to be! You are Nick, brother to Fred Claus, to whom you have always had a strained relationship. When you were kids, you tried to be friends, but somehow one of you always got on the wrong side of the other. It was not until Fred came to visit and you injured yourself that you two finally reconciled when Fred decided to help and replace you one Christmas. The holiday spirit was then seized in both of you and the Claus Family had a merry Christmas after all.
Miracle On 34th Street Santa
Miracle On 34th Street Santa
You Are The Santa Claus From A Miracle On 34th Street! According to your answers, you are Kris Kringle, the joyful Santa of this classic 1947 film. While Department Store giants Macy's and Gimbel's fight for as much Christmas shopping customers as they can muster, you, Kris Kringle becomes their Santa Spokesman and spreads Christmas cheer to all who find you. But when you are tried for mental illness for claiming you are the real Santa Claus, no one can disprove your case, and your friends defend you until the ends, showing that the Christmas Spirit is there for all to take part!
The Santa Clause!
The Santa Clause!
You Are The Tim Allen Santa From The Santa Clause Trilogy! According to your answers, you are Scott Calvin, the new Santa Clause! Once an advertising executive, it is your duty to fulfill the role of Santa Clause. After hearing noises on your roof, you go up to investigate, startling Santa causing him to fall and disappear. Your son Charlie convinces you to put on the Santa suit and finish Santa's route. After finishing, you go back to the North Pole where you are told that by completing the route you have accepted the role of Santa in a binding contract. Can you deliver the Christmas spirit in time?
Family Guy Santa
Family Guy Santa
You Are The Family Guy Santa! According to our team of experts, you are the Santa Claus from the Family Special, "Road To The North Pole." You are a Santa straining under the weight of the world's wants for Christmas. Your family of elves have become inbred due to an need of more workers; your reindeer have become ravenous and carnivorous with a craving for elf flesh and you yourself have become sick due to the strain. However, thanks to Brian and Stewie Griffin, they convince the world to go easy on you and only ask for one simple gift, each year.