Which Weasley Are You?
Which Weasley Are You?
No charms at work here!
No charms at work here!

You Are Ron Weasley! According to your answers, you are the lovable Ron who no one could get tired of. Like Ron, you have a huge sense of loyalty and a knack for coming up with a quick intuitive plan when one is needed. You are the ace in the pocket that no one ever sees coming, because you hold your cards close to your chest. All while playing the role of the buffoon to catch everyone off guard!
You Are Ginny Weasley! According to our team of experts, you are the youngest of the Weasleys! Growing up the youngest in a large family can be heavy burden. You have clearly developed a resilience and a strength of will that is illustrated in your masterful use of defensive spells. Skills on par with Harry himself! You have a love of sports and have a knack for Quidditch, even becoming a professional Quidditch player later in life! Keep on killing it on the pitch!
You Are George Weasley! According to your answers, you are the fun-loving Weasley twin! There's nothing you love more than playing a great prank or telling a great joke. That's why you opened up your own joke shop in Diagon Alley. Your business acumen is so impressive, that at a time where the Alley was closing down, you were booming. Life is always hard when you lose someone close to you, let alone your twin; but it's for him you keep your spirits high and the laughter never-ending!
You Are Molly Weasley! According to our team of experts, you are the matriarch of the Weasley family. You are where your daughter Ginny gets her indomitable will and survival instinct, while your sons seemed to have inherited more from their father. As one of the most powerful witches of your age, you never let it be known unless you forced into battle. With strength and will such as yours, woe be to any enemy who seeks a duel with you!
You Are Arthur Weasley! According to your answers, you are the patriarch of the Weasley family. Light-hearted and a lover of jokes, pranks, and laughter, you delight in seeing your children smile day in and day out. It is in fact because of that love that are so serious in your position at the ministry and joined the Order. You do only what any decent father would do to protect his family, and you do it well, as an example of courage, wisdom, and loyalty to all your children!
You Are Bill Weasley! According to our team of experts, you are the eldest of the Weasley children! You are an incredibly capable wizard who has battled with Death Eaters on multiple occasions. You believe that love is what binds the world together and it is this that drives your will. Especially when you found someone to love in Fleur, you felt like you found purpose in your life. Since the Battle of Hogwarts, you've been able to dedicate your life to both your job as a Curse-Breaker at Gringotts as well as your family.