What's Your Hogwarts House?
What's Your Hogwarts House?
An accurate test to see what your TRUE hogwarts house is! Some of the questions are from J.K. Rowling's own quiz. Harry Potter fans, where you at??
An accurate test to see what your TRUE hogwarts house is! Some of the questions are from J.K. Rowling's own quiz. Harry Potter fans, where you at??

You find out that your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you, how do you react?
Describe yourself in one sentence.
If your house was burning and you had to take one thing, what would it be?
If you had the superpower to be invisible whenever you wanted, what would be the first thing you'd like to do?
You find a bag of money with initials on it. What do you do?
How would you like to have people describe you?
Amortentia is a potion that,
when you smell it, has a
very attractive smell to you.
What does it smell like?
You enter an enchanted garden. What do you examine first?
What would you hate for people to describe you with?
After your death, what would you like people to do when they think of you?
What is the most frightening nightmare?
Choose a potion to drink: