What Chick-Fil-A table marker are you?
What Chick-Fil-A table marker are you?
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When Do You Get The Most Done?
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For you, it’s more common that
Which Words Best Describe You?
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My Favorite Place to Take A Daily Walk Is...
Are you more outspoken or reserved?
How would you spend a free day?
Red Milkshake
Red Milkshake
You go against the grain, and stand out among all others! Red milkshakes are born leaders, and can make any stressful situation easier for others around them. They tend to live life day by day, and never keep their schedules too full or too empty. Red milkshakes are the easiest of all to get along with, but tend to overwork themselves often.
Yellow Cookie
Yellow Cookie
Yellow cookies are mostly known to be caring towards others around them, and have a sweet personality. Mostly known for being innocent, yellow cookies are also one of the scariest kinds of people when they are mad.
Orange Fruit Cup
Orange Fruit Cup
Known as one of the most logical kinds of people, orange fruit cups tend to also be the most laid back. Orange fruit cups will never take credit for work they did not do, because they care about improving themselves to be the best at what they do. They tend to be absent minded at times, but when they are in the zone, they can stay in it for long periods of time.
Blue Biscuit
Blue Biscuit
Blue biscuits are always early birds, and stick to the rules by all means. Blue biscuits tend to have more refined tastes, such as drinking black coffee or unsweetened tea. Known to be more mature, blue biscuits do not like being late to anything.
Blue Nuggets
Blue Nuggets
Blue nuggets do whatever they can to get by. They are the most independent kinds of people, and never want to ask for help if they can do something themselves. Blue nuggets like to lead by example, and are generally looked up to by most people.
Red Tea
Red Tea
Red teas tend to enjoy bold styles of fashion, always keeping up with latest trend. Usually in the know about all drama going around them, when it comes to their personal life red teas do not like getting involved in drama. Red teas are always up to date on all of popular memes.