What emoji fits your personality?
What emoji fits your personality?
Are you the smiley face? Are you the laughing face? Crying face? Take this test to find out which emoji best fits your personality!
Are you the smiley face? Are you the laughing face? Crying face? Take this test to find out which emoji best fits your personality!

You are at school and some guy/girl you really like asks you out, but you really don't know if you want to say yes or no yet. What do you say?
Your friend thinks it is funny to push you down. Its funny but at the same time you are annoyed.
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite animal?
When you go to a restaraunt what do you usually order?
You have a really bad day. How do you react throughout the day?
What is your clothing style?
Do you even use emojis?
You are the laughing crying emoji!
You are the laughing crying emoji!
You are the laughing crying emoji! This means that you have an amazing sense of humor and love to crack jokes. You are an optimist that always thinks on the bright side of things
You are the happy emoji!
You are the happy emoji!
You are the happy emoji! This means that you are a very happy person with a very bright personality! You love to be with other people but enjoy your time alone when you have it. You often tend to be the leader of a group
You are the speechless emoji!
You are the speechless emoji!
You are the speechless emoji. This means that you are a very shy person, and you often feel uncomfortable around a big group of people. But when people get to know you they find that you are an amazing person and have a great sense of humor! Let it shine!
You are the angry emoji!
You are the angry emoji!
You got the angry emoji! This means that you have an angry personality (or you are just angry right now as you take this test). You tend to be a little stubborn, but that's okay!
You are the love emoji!
You are the love emoji!
You are the love emoji! This means that you are a very lovable, romantic person. You love to be in the presence of your loved ones, like family or your partner. Keep it up lover!