The Hospitality Quiz
The Hospitality Quiz
How well do you know your industry?
How well do you know your industry?
The Hospitality Quiz
How many hotel rooms are there estimated to be worldwide?
Which factor contributes most to guest satisfaction?
What percentage of travelers feel that brands should tailor their information based on personal preferences or past behaviors?
Guess the percentage of customers that believe Artificial Intelligence (AI) should be included in their travel experiences.
What is the percentage of millennials that live in Asia?
The Asian Millennial Traveler market is unique and powerful. What is their estimated spend on international travel by 2020?
How many hotels still use Excel Worksheets as a way of revenue management?
How much revenue do OTAs invest in online hotel marketing?
By leveraging customer data, how much can customer acquisition costs be reduced by?
What are the benefits of utilizing your hotel's data?
To really tackle the beast known as Data, keep your knowledge refreshed and seize the value of data by seeking elite analytics tools! The potential of what can be achieved with data is endless!
Data Wizard! (7-10 points)
Well done!! You've scored very highly. You're the Wizard of the Data world. You understand the capabilities of data and you're already reaping the benefits of advanced analytics!
Data Enthusiast (3- 6 points)
Congratulations, you're a data enthusiast! You've got a strong interest in hospitality data and there's space for growth!
Jon Snow Hotelier (0-2 points)
You know nothing, Jon Snow! You have an interest in the hospitality data field and good intentions to learn. However, there's room for improvement and you've come to the right place! Check out our hospitality articles that will enlighten your hospitality knowledge!