Which APUSH Celeb Are You?
Which APUSH Celeb Are You?
Have you ever considered which APUSH celebrity you're most similar to. Take this quiz to find out which APUSH celeb you would be!
Have you ever considered which APUSH celebrity you're most similar to. Take this quiz to find out which APUSH celeb you would be!

If you were stranded on an island alone and you could only bring one thing, what would it be?
You're home alone and Sloma shows up. What do you do?
Some maniac serial killer with a giant butcher knife walks into your house and starts saying "Marco?!" What do you do?
Some strange looking guy comes up to you and hands you $100. You can tell that he isn't right in the head. What do you do?
Donald Trump comes up to you and offers you a job in his campaign?
Your parents go on vacation. What do you do?
You forget to do your homework and Sloma finds out. What's your excuse?
Which president are you?
Which APUSH squad would you join?
John Brown
John Brown
LOL YOU'RE THE KOOKY JOHN BROWN. Brown was a radical abolitionist whose fervent hatred of slavery led him to seize the United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry in October 1859. He was considered maniacal and demented by many.
Mary E. Lease
Mary E. Lease
RAISE LESS CORN, MORE HELL! You're wild af. Lease was a tall, strong woman who made numerous and memorable speeches on behalf of the downtrodden farmer. She encouraged farmers to speak up about their economic conditon and stop growing corn, and start creating hell for the US government.
Carrie Nation
Carrie Nation
You're basically in love with hatchets. You're as crazy af. Nation was an old lady back in 1900s that went around bars busting up the joints with hatchets. She was aka as a "Prohibitionist."
Alan Brinkley
Alan Brinkley
You're an untamed ladies' man. Unfortunately, you are hated by many APUSH students, but on the upside, Sloma loves you! <3
Lemonade Lucy
Lemonade Lucy
NO ALCOHOL! You abhor alcohol and consider it the biggest evil in the world. But you are actually a fun person to hang around, but when someone mentions alcohol...
You are Sloma! An extremely intimidating APUSH teacher. He's quite a mystery at HHS. His class is basically impossible to survive and has resulted in his students going insane and spontaneously crying throughout the day. Sloma has high expectations for his APUSH students and expects them to act responsibly so he doesn't have to babysit childish behavior. Also, he keeps his perplexing tests and quizzes locked in a freezer, symbolizing the coldness of his heart (jk, Sloma isn't that bad). In all honesty, Sloma is a v. good teacher and has a hilarious yet peculiar sense of humor.