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Can You Name Where These Historical Events Happened?

Travel back in time and put your history skills to the test and see how well you really know the world!

Nina Tan
Created by Nina Tan
On Jun 19, 2015
1 / 12

The fall of the Berlin Wall (1989)

2 / 12

Christopher Columbus' voyage to the New World (1492)

3 / 12

D-Day (1944)

4 / 12

Three Mile Island nuclear incident (1979)

5 / 12

Tiananmen Square protests (1989)

6 / 12

The discovery of penicillin (1928)

7 / 12

The Renaissance (1300-1700)

8 / 12

The Hundred Years' War

9 / 12

The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed

10 / 12

The modern Olympic Games began (1896)

11 / 12

First official international football (soccer) match (1872)

12 / 12

Stonehenge was built (~3000-2000 B.C.E.)

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021
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