How Much Do You Actually Know About Martin Luther King, Jr.?
How Much Do You Actually Know About Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Celebrate his life and legacy this MLK Day with some truly thought provoking trivia.
Celebrate his life and legacy this MLK Day with some truly thought provoking trivia.

Which of these books was not written by King?
At what age did Martin Luther King, Jr. begin college?
Where was King was assassinated?
When did Martin Luther King, Jr. deliver his famous "I Have A Dream..." speech?
What was the name of the final speech MLK delivered before he was assassinated?
Martin Luther King, Jr. did not attend which school?
Martin Luther King, Jr. won a Grammy.
What year was Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated?
In 1964, Martin Luther King, Jr. was awarded what?
Who was Martin Luther King, Jr. primarily inspired by?
MLK headed the SCLC. What does SCLC stand for?
What was Martin Luther King, Jr.'s first book titled?
What was Martin Luther King Jr. arrested in 1956 for?
King's birth name is
On April 3, 1968, King led a protest against what important issue?
Where was Martin Luther King, Jr. born?
Where did MLK deliver his famous "I Have a Dream..." speech?