How Much Do You Really Know About The Fourth Of July?
How Much Do You Really Know About The Fourth Of July?
Many Americans look forward to the fun that comes with celebrating the Fourth of July, but do you know what this holiday is really all about?
Many Americans look forward to the fun that comes with celebrating the Fourth of July, but do you know what this holiday is really all about?
Which president first held a Fourth of July celebration at the White House?
More than one copy of the Declaration of Independence exists.
In what city was the Declaration of Independence signed?
What year were fireworks first used in an official Fourth of July celebration?
What historical event is celebrated on the Fourth of July?
Who lead the committee formed to draft the Declaration of Independence?
Independence Day was first celebrated in what city?
Who was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence?
What year was the Declaration of Independence signed?
The Declaration of Independence begins with what words?
What year did the Fourth of July become a national holiday?