What is your level in Tricking?
What is your level in Tricking?
If you're a Tricker and wondering to explore about yourself, then this quiz is for you. Have fun.
If you're a Tricker and wondering to explore about yourself, then this quiz is for you. Have fun.

Okay, let's begin, how long you've into Tricking?
Choose best category suits you.
What is your highest Pop kick out of these?
Now, highest cheat kick or Backside kick.
How many Flips\Twists you can throw in a row of combo(Except kicks unless really advanced)?
Your highest trick out of round off
How many switch Corkscrews can you do in a row?
Pick up the most suitable group to you.
Now some flashy kicks.
How many setups can you combo out of these?
How many cart full variations can you do out of the given?
Your highest move out of any swingthrough setup from given.
Now think and say how many corkscrew variations can you do(Single, double and triple)?
Now butterfly twist variations(Single, double, triple).
Now back flip variations(Except corks and gainer variations).
Do you like this quiz?
Absolute Novice
Absolute Novice
Nice, seems like you're new to Tricking just stay motivated and remember, you're learning the basics which are very essential for becoming an expert. Good luck for your training.
Woo! Nice going, you're doing great, you can easily increase your level with just a little more training. Good luck.
You're no ordinary person, you can progress even higher, Tricking is so vast so it's a good achievement to be an intermediate, but remember, there's much more than just that to explore. Good luck.
Well there, you're too cool for this world, it's very difficult to reach where you are, so keep motivated you can push your limits even higher. Good luck.
Wo Ho!!! An expert, you're really a superhuman, you've a nice control on your tricks, and if you keep up like that, you'll be an Elite. Good luck.
Man O Man, you're horrible, one of the most superior Trickers of the world, you're probably very famous too, this is one heck of a level. Have a nice day.
??? This world is not for you, you're one the most above superior on earth, a GOD of Tricking!!!