Which tomato are you?

let's see which tomato are you!

Noa Bartfeld
Created by Noa Bartfeld(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 3, 2015

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Local tomato

Local tomato

Why are you a local tomato? Is it because you strike fear into the hearts of those unworthy? Is it because that you are a fearful person and are frightened of everything, even a simple tomato? No matter what the cause is for your tomato, know that you are able to overcome anything. Whether you are brave or a more cautious person, you will always come out on top. That math test you have coming up? No worries, you got this. English essay? Sign, sealed, delivered, it's a 100! And if for some reason you slip up? Never fear, you are and will always be a champion.

Green tomato

Green tomato

"What is the green tomato?", you may find yourself asking. But really, you should be inquiring "What am I?". The answer? You are dynamic, an agglomeration of everything and anything, and never ever boring. As the green tomato, you are whatever you feel like being. Today? Perhaps a parkour enthusiast scholar. Tomorrow? A knitting punk rock star. You, and your life, are what you decide it to be.

Cherry tomato

Cherry tomato

When people think of the cherry tomato people think of a sweetness incomparable, likewise, when people think of you, they think of that same sweetness which is unlike any other. You are a friend to all those around you, and making someone else's day better only improves your own. Your kindness extends to those in all social spheres, beginning with your loved ones and travelling all the way to the friendly smile you give your cashier. Everyone has a cherry person in their life, and is beyond thankful for it. So thank you, Cherry person, for being unwavering in your loveliness.

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