Which F.R.I.E.N.D.S. character are you?
Which F.R.I.E.N.D.S. character are you?
Ever wondered what F.R.I.E.N.D.S. character you are? Find out here!
Ever wondered what F.R.I.E.N.D.S. character you are? Find out here!
Can you crack a good joke? We're looking at you, Chandler!
What do your F.R.I.E.N.D.S. like most about you?
What is your worst quality
From a scale of 1-10, how easygoing are you? One being the most easygoing and ten being the least. easygoing.
Can you easily make friends?
What is your reputation
What is the most embarrassing thing of the following that would surely make you want to disappear (it does not have to have happened to you)?
How much time does it take you to get dressed in the morning? We are all looking at you, Rachel!
What do you do when you get out of the house?
You are at a party. What do you do?
After a wonderful party, someone messes up your whole entire room! What do you do?
You are Phoebe!
You are a very nice friend! You are always happy, and are probably smiling reading this right now. You are like a package filled with sunshine. Sometimes you can be a little weird, but who cares! You always act like you, no matter what. You are liked by everyone you meet. You also hate fighting.
You are Rachel!
Girl, you are the fashion queen! Everyone wants to be your friend! You are nice, but sometimes you act a little spoiled. You sometimes get too obsessed with what you wear. But overall, you make a great friend.
You are Monica!
You are everything someone could ask for: nice, pretty, smart. Although sometimes you can be a little strict and neurotic and competitive, you still make a terrific friend that everyone would like to be with.
You are Chandler!
You are funny, nice, and everything! Although sometimes you can be a little too sarcastic, your friends still find it funny. You are liked easily, and can make anyone laugh anytime of the day.
You are Ross!
You are kind, good hearted, forgiving, and anything a good friend could ask for. Although sometimes you can be a little socially awkward or competitive, you still make a wonderful friend that everyone would like to meet.
You are Joey
You are good hearted, a nice friend, and always having fun. Although sometimes you can be a little dumb and having your head caught up trying to find cute girls, you still make a perfect friend.