Are you a Music Therapist or an professional entertainer?

Let's see if you're a music therapist or an entertainer

Created by MTlove09 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

When you play for people, do you...

What credentials do you have?

Do you play in medical settings, patient's homes, or a clinic?

Do you play in order to aid in the rehabilitation/habilitation process of patients? Do you design the session and music use to address the patient's goals and objectives

Do you use iso-principle, know the relationship between music and the brain, and keep up with the latest evidence-based research in the field?

Music Therapist

Music Therapist

You are a lean, mean, music therapy machine! Good for you! Remember to continually advocate for our profession. You are trained, educated, skilled, and valuable in so many ways. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to our fabulous field!



You are an entertainer. Though you may have great chops, an extensive repertoire, and can land a gig easy in any city, you are not a music therapist. Though we all appreciate what you do, and want you to continue to do it, make sure you aren't calling what you do music therapy. Music therapists have undergone extensive training, and need to be thought of as being separate from an entertainer or performer. Rock on!

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