What kind of wolf are you?
What kind of wolf are you?
Wolves are wolves but we all have a little wolf inside!
Wolves are wolves but we all have a little wolf inside!

What is your favorite color?
Will you have a mate?
A pup is missing! What will you do?
What kind of prey will you eat?
Can you find the wolf?
Does this seem real to you?
Where do you want to live?
Pick a toy!
You are a Alpha!
You are a Alpha!
You will protect your pack if it is the last thing you will do! You are tough on the outside and kind on the inside.
You are a Rogue!
You are a Rogue!
You don't have a pack and you like to be alone. No one will mess with you!
You are a Beta wolf!
You are a Beta wolf!
You follow in the steps of the Alpha and train harder then any other wolf!
You are a Hunter!
You are a Hunter!
You hunt for the pack! You are the most loyal wolf in the pack!
You are a house pet!
You are a house pet!
You are more a dog but wish to be in the wild
You are a Omega!
You are a Omega!
Everything is fun to you! You are hardly ever serious!