Which Disney Classic Princess Are You?
Which Disney Classic Princess Are You?
From Snow White to Pocahontas find out which Disney Princess You Are! Mulan is not included as there can only be 8 results and I believe Pocahontas is more popular.
From Snow White to Pocahontas find out which Disney Princess You Are! Mulan is not included as there can only be 8 results and I believe Pocahontas is more popular.

Your favourite colour?
Dreams Do Come True?
Can you swim?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?
Are you ambitious?
Do you wish to find true love?
Would you allow arranged marriage?
There are sides to every story!
Looks don't matter to me
Do you like ball gowns?
Who do you hate most?
Which Prince do you like the most?
Are you a teen or an adult?
Which forgotten Princess is your favourite?
Lastly who is your favourite out of the list?
Snow White
Snow White
With skin as white as snow. Lips as red as blood. And hair as dark as raven. You are clearly the fairest of them all! You are Snow White!
Dreams do come true! You are Cinderella! And remember! No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing a dream that you wish will come true!
You are a beauty when asleep! You are Aurora! I have a feeling you don't do much and you just wait for others to kiss you back to life. Whatever floats your boat!
You're a fish out of water! You are Ariel! You want to explore the world and you won't let anyone stop you! Your ambition may get the best of you at times.
What a bookworm! You are Belle. You spend countless hours reading your favourite books and you can mostly be found in a library. You're boring but hey... at least you're smart!
Sassy yet classy! You are Jasmine! You are not a prize to be won and you will fight for your freedom! You believe in marriage between who you love not who is chosen!
You like to wish upon stars! You Are Tiana! Your ambition is what keeps you going! You will get everything you wish for in the end! You will also be very successful in life!
You paint with the colours of the wind! You are Pocahontas! With an amazing sense of art, dance, and beauty you are a joy to be around. You are confident in being uniquely different and you fight for equality. You strive to find new things!