Tell us about yourself, and we'll tell you which Wizards of Once character you're most like!
Tell us about yourself, and we'll tell you which Wizards of Once character you're most like!
The Wizards of Once is a lush tale of the British Isles before it knew it was the British Isles, filled with magical woods, tricksy fairies, and of course Wizards! Which of the mischievous characters from The Wizards of Once are you? Are you a Wizard, or a Warrior? Or are you maybe a sprite? Take our quiz to find out!
The Wizards of Once is a lush tale of the British Isles before it knew it was the British Isles, filled with magical woods, tricksy fairies, and of course Wizards! Which of the mischievous characters from The Wizards of Once are you? Are you a Wizard, or a Warrior? Or are you maybe a sprite? Take our quiz to find out!
You're determined and outgoing. You are willing to take risks to get what you want, even if those risks get you into trouble. But don't worry, your friends are there to help you out if you're in a jam. You should probably thank them more often than you do, but deep down you truly care for them, and will be the first to rush into danger to save a friend.
You're a free spirit who thinks differently from those around you. You're curious and kind. While you might not fit in as well as you may like, your differences make you unique and special!
You're a rule-follower who tends to be cautious. You get nervous in situations that throw you out of your comfort zone. But you're loyal, which means if it means saving your friends, you'll face any danger! Though, you're definitely going to complain about it later.
You're wise and wizened. You give very good advice (even though that advice is rarely ever followed), and you tend to always have a smart plan of action. Though, you do tend to be a bit of a worrier.
Queen Sychorax
Queen Sychorax
You tend to be imperious and prideful. You demand excellence out of those around you, but especially from yourself. You're determined to be brilliant, and so you generally are. While you may seem cold on the outside, that icy exterior hides a loving heart (though its pretty tough to see sometimes).
You're carefree and fun! You take things as they come, and you don't let anything bother you too much (even when it probably should). Your friends can count on your chipper, happy demeanor and your optimism!