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Which Godspawn from Strange the Dreamer are You?

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor features a cast of colorful characters... some of whom aren't entirely human. Take this quiz to discover which descendant of the gods (or are they monsters?) you're the most like!

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On Apr 4, 2017

What would you pick as your birthday meal?

You have a crush on someone. How do you get them to notice you?

What is your favorite kind of movie?

You see someone cheating on an important test in school. What do you do?

What role do you play in your friend group?

Where would you go for your dream vacation?

What is your worst quality?

Which historical figure do you admire the most?

If you could travel to another time period, which would you choose?

Which Hogwarts house would you be in?



You’re Sarai, the Muse of Nightmares. You send your moth sentinels into the night and manipulate people’s dreams. You have a huge imagination, but it causes you to worry as much as it causes you to dream—there are just so many things that could go wrong. For too long, you’ve let yourself be led by others, but now you’re coming into your own. You’re compassionate, empathetic, and committed to a brighter future. You dream of cake, and wings.



You’re Sparrow, aka Orchid Witch. You can make plants grow, and you decorate the walls of your prison with blossoms. Your garden keeps your family alive, and your spirit calms them when they’re angry or wild. You believe in love and won’t settle for less: you only want someone who wants only you, but it’s hard to wait while others, less choosy, get to have all the fun. You dream of strange fruit, and make beautiful, thoughtful gifts for your friends.



You’re Ruby, aka Bonfire, and you’re volatile, impetuous, and wild. You can turn into flame in an instant. You want everything that life has to offer, and you want it now. Anything is better than being bored—even doom. You’re not romantic; you even kiss ghosts that you’ve known all your life, just to see what it feels like. You’re restless and full of yearning. You laugh and throw things and dream of masque balls. Others might scold you, but they can’t resist you.



You’re Minya, and you have no other name. The ghosts call you master, and you aren’t what you seem. Yours is the extraordinary power to catch souls and control them. You’re dark-minded, manipulative, and cunning, but you love your family and would do anything to protect them. Deep down, under everything, you’re a wounded animal, and there’s nothing more dangerous than that. Gods protect anyone who challenges you. They don’t stand a chance.



You’re Feral, the Cloud Thief. You steal weather: rain, snow. You’re not bothered by much; you take things as they come, and let others do the heavy lifting. You’re smart, and you’d rather sit back and decode situations in your head than do anything about them. To be honest, you’re a little clueless. You eat what’s put before you, turn things into jokes, and kiss back when kissed. Guess what? It’s time to step up.

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On Nov 18, 2021
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