What Would You Do In These Real Life Suspicious Scenarios?
What Would You Do In These Real Life Suspicious Scenarios?
Would you act on your instincts?
Would you act on your instincts?
In these very real scenarios, we want to know how you would react. As people, we are scared to waste anyone's time, or get others into trouble. But does that change when people's lives are potentially in danger?
Put yourself in these real life situations and tell us what you would do. Please answer with total honesty.
What would you do?
What would you do?
In this real life example, a call to the confidential police hotline, 0800 789 321 from a member of the public, gave the police a key piece of the jigsaw regarding a group they were already investigating. This was one of the biggest planned attacks this country has seen, but it was prevented.
What do you do?
What do you do?
Nothing happened in this case.{{#met_police_1_img}}{{#met_police_bonus}} But next time, it could. All information is gratefully received by experienced officers and no information will be ignored. Let the police decide what to do.
You can help police keep communities safe by reporting your concerns about suspicious activity in confidence
Your call could save lives.
Don’t worry about wasting police time or getting someone into trouble. Let the specially trained police decide if the information is important. What you tell police is treated in the strictest confidence and is thoroughly researched by experienced officers before, and if, any police action is taken. No call or click will be ignored.
Call the police confidentially on 0800 789 321 if you're worried something might be suspicious.
To find out more visit gov.uk/ACT
In an emergency always call 999