Which Once Upon a Time Character are you?
Which Once Upon a Time Character are you?
Who doesn't love Once Upon A Time...
So why wouldn't you want to take a quiz to tell you who you would be
Who doesn't love Once Upon A Time...
So why wouldn't you want to take a quiz to tell you who you would be

On a scale of one to eight how nice are you to people? (eight being the meanest and one being the nicest.)
What would be your favorite place to vist?
Are told that you are evil?
Whats your hair color?
Whats your favorite color?
Do you like llamacorns or naw
(A Llama and a Unicorn had a baby)
Where would you want to live?
Pick an outfit?
If you were in a bad situation (hypothetical speaking fighting a dragon) what would you do?
You should subscribe for more quizzes like this one!!!
Peter Pan
Peter Pan
Prince Charming
Prince Charming
Captain Hook
Captain Hook
Snow White
Snow White