Are you a true Melanie Martinez fan?

This quiz is to determine whether you're a true fan or a fake fan.

Created by Osir12 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

When is Melanie's birthday and age?

What is Melanie Martinez's middle name?

Which celebrity did Melanie choose in The Voice when she sang Toxic?

Which one of these is NOT one of Melanie's tattoos?

How long has Melanie been playing guitar?

What are the names of the 3 EP songs?

Where are the 2 places that Melanie has stitches?

What part of an outfit does she NOT own?

In the video "Pacify Her" what color is her hair?

In the video "Dollhouse" what color is her mom's hat?

True Fan!!

True Fan!!

You know everything from her shoe size to her favorite color. You've listened to the whole album and know all the words. You know a lot about her and even the small details like her toys

Only listens to her music

Only listens to her music

You've listened to the whole album and know all the words. You know the story of the album and think it's quite unique. You even know most of the tattoos on her body. You might've even gone to a concert or two.

Just discovered her

Just discovered her

You just heard her name and decided to listen to the one song. You saw the names on the album and we're very confused. You don't know if you'll listen to more music but, you gave her a try.

Fake Fan!!

Fake Fan!!

You don't know much about her. You heard her name and was like "Who's this?" You've maybe heard a song or two but you don't regularly listen to her music.

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