Which 'Atlantis Reborn' Power Do You Have?
Which 'Atlantis Reborn' Power Do You Have?
All of those “rare few” Kefharans/Atlanteans born with the ability to use the radiance have some telekinetic abilities. Especially gifted individuals develop a secondary power that reflects some aspect of their character/personality.
In celebration for the up and coming release of Tears of Time by Joel Lawrence in SEPTEMBER 2016, we wanted to put together a quiz that you can take to find out what super power you have.
Tears of Time, book one in the Atlantis Reborn series is the perfect mash up of Red Quee
All of those “rare few” Kefharans/Atlanteans born with the ability to use the radiance have some telekinetic abilities. Especially gifted individuals develop a secondary power that reflects some aspect of their character/personality.
In celebration for the up and coming release of Tears of Time by Joel Lawrence in SEPTEMBER 2016, we wanted to put together a quiz that you can take to find out what super power you have.
Tears of Time, book one in the Atlantis Reborn series is the perfect mash up of Red Quee
What is your favourite colour?
Where would you prefer to live?
Someone breaks into your house to steal your dog.... What do you do?.....
What hair style would you have..
Weapon of choice!
Control Over Nature
Control Over Nature
Control of plants and animals.
Mental illusions, limited invisibility
Aura Reading
Aura Reading
Read and manipulate people’s emotions
Spirit Walking
Spirit Walking
Float outside the body and observe an area from any angle, through any barrier
Greater Telekinesis
Greater Telekinesis
Improved speed and dexterity with manipulating objects over a distance
See the future, though with certain limitations