The Game Of Thrones Season 7 Trailer Is Here And Giving Us Chills!

Game of Thrones has dropped the first teaser trailer for the new season premiering July 16! Watch it here!

Olenna Tyrell
Created by Olenna Tyrell
On Mar 30, 2017
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After a long winter of waiting, the trailer for Season 7 of Game of Thrones has finally arrived, and it's chilling (in more ways than one)! Featuring only four characters, the primary contenders for the Iron Throne, the promo shows each ruler taking power in their respective domain. Cersei, who sits on the Iron Throne currently, Jon Snow, new King in the North, at Winterfell, and Daenerys Targaryen, taking possession of the seat of Dragonstone, where she was born and where Stannis Baratheon ruled until his death. But there's another player here finally coming into his own at the very end. Watch it now:

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But now, what we want to know is...

Who do you think will ultimately take the Iron Throne for good?

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