What Reason Should You Give Your Grandmother When She Asks Why You're Still Single?

If there's one inevitable question your dearest grandma is bound to ask you when you see or call her next, it's why on earth her darling grandchild is still uncoupled. Make it easy on yourself. Take this quiz for a simple answer.

Olenna Tyrell
Created by Olenna Tyrell
On Jan 27, 2018

How old is grandma?

How likely is your grandma to remember what you tell her?

Would you consider your grandmother to be a lot of fun?

How do you feel about dating?

Do you have a good relationship with your grandma?

Have you dated seriously in the past?

How religious is your grandma?

Why are you actually single?

Religious Reasons

Religious Reasons

What grandmother wouldn't be pleased to hear that her grandchild is contemplating joining a holy order? Or with her grandchild's devotion to a promise they made to a deity in the third grade that they would never date in exchange for some last minute answers to a spelling test? Regardless, you can start with the simple phrase "religious reasons" and move into some more extreme territory from there. What do you usually tell your grandma when she asks why you're not seeing anyone? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they'll have to tell their grandmothers!

Waiting For The Perfect Person

Waiting For The Perfect Person

Listen, your grandmother already knows that you're too special to go out with just any old person. And after all, "true ladies and gentlemen are just so hard to find these days." She just needs a gentle reminder that what dating looked like in the "good old days" was a far cry from the "horrors" of tinder. Tell her what the eggplant emoji stands for. She'll start backing up your singleness. What do you usually tell your grandma when she asks why you're not seeing anyone? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they'll have to tell their grandmothers!



If your grandma has asked just one too many times and her heart is in relatively solid shape, just tell her what she least wants to hear: that you're a big ol' slut. It doesn't really matter how many people you have or haven't slept with in reality. Telling your grandmother that you're having a great time getting it on with anyone you can get to consent to making sweet, sweet love to you is guaranteed to leave her speechless and highly unlikely to ask again. What do you usually tell your grandma when she asks why you're not seeing anyone? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they'll have to tell their grandmothers!

Secret Agent

Secret Agent

How senile is your grandmother? If she happens to not quite be all there anymore, it'll be totally safe to tell her that you're a spy for the CIA and that frequent and dangerous undercover missions make it impossible to become romantically attached to anyone, lest you endanger them. Grandma will understand. What do you usually tell your grandma when she asks why you're not seeing anyone? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they'll have to tell their grandmothers!

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