What kind of mermaid are you
What kind of mermaid are you
Take this quiz to find out what kind of mermaid you are.
Take this quiz to find out what kind of mermaid you are.
What would you eat as a mermaid?
What color tail would you have?
Where would you live?
Would you live alone or with other merpeople?
Would you ever date a human?
What would you do if a human saw you?
Who would be your companion?
Shallow singer
Shallow singer
You are kind and shy. When people here you sing they fall in love with you. You live in warm shallow water.
Deep hunter
Deep hunter
You live in the deepest parts of the ocean and love hunting. The sharks are your minions.
Mother mermaid
Mother mermaid
You love taking care of the ocean and all that lives in it. You live where ever you are needed.
Fresh water mermaid
Fresh water mermaid
You live by waterfalls alone. You like to chill and play with the fish