Which Of The Five NYC Boroughs Are You?
Which Of The Five NYC Boroughs Are You?
Find out which New York City Borough you are alike to!
Find out which New York City Borough you are alike to!

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Do you enjoy to walk places?
If something doesn't work, do you try again just to make sure or just leave it alone?
Are you popular?
How would you describe your best self?
Describe your worst self.
Have you ever been to New York City?
Do you mind the subway?
Do you have any pets?
And finally, if you have lived in New York City, which borough have you lived in? If you haven't lived in New York City, which borough do you think you'll get?
You are truly your own person. A jumble of amazing things in one! You are persistent and will never give up! You are popular with the people who who respect you. You are intelligent, funny, and observant!
The Bronx
The Bronx
Occasionally shy, you love to explore new things and learn about everything. You are extremely easy going but popular with the right crowd. You love to step outside of your comfort zone.
You are probably the most loving and loyal of your friends! You are determined and persistent with things that are worth being persistent about. You make good choices and are a great role model!
Staten Island
Staten Island
You are a sure extrovert with a sharp mind! You don't budge when you get frustrated and always have a good head on your shoulders. You are super popular and everyone is dying to be your friend. Although you don't like to step out of your comfort zone, that doesn't mean you won't ever.
You are traditional and loving. You have a sense of humor like nobody else and love to have fun! Although sometimes you can be a little clueless or rude, you are a great person to stay around for good advice!