How well do you know these beginner Japanese words and phrases?
How well do you know these beginner Japanese words and phrases?
Test yourself to see how well you know basic Japanese words and phrases. Want to learn Japanese vocabulary? Check our FREE vocabulary lists, FUN interactive lessons, tips are much more: is an online Japanese language learning website. With us you'll learn to speak, read, write and hear Japanese. Visit and sign up for your FREE Life-time account in just seconds.
Test yourself to see how well you know basic Japanese words and phrases. Want to learn Japanese vocabulary? Check our FREE vocabulary lists, FUN interactive lessons, tips are much more: is an online Japanese language learning website. With us you'll learn to speak, read, write and hear Japanese. Visit and sign up for your FREE Life-time account in just seconds.

You're at a party and someone asks you お名前は? (O-namae wa?). They want to know your...
What does 桜 (Sakura) look like?
What does 素晴らしい (Subarashii) mean?
If someone tells you 料理がとても上手ですね。(Ryōri ga totemo jōzu desu ne.), they are complimenting you on your...
Your おばあさん (o-bā-san) is your...
How do you say Rain in Japanese?
If you're asking これはいくらですか?, you're asking about
If someone asks you おいくつですか。(O-ikutsu desu ka), they want you know...
If you ask someone 駅はどこですか。 (Eki wa doko desu ka), they will probably show you the way to...
What does 笑う mean?