So You Think You Know Tim McGraw Lyrics?

Are you a true Tim fan?

One Country
Created by One Country (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 10

"The ____ light's on, come on in if you wanna,
____'s on the stove and beer's in the fridge."

2 / 10

"Well it was ____ years later on a southbound plane,
I was headed down to ____."

3 / 10

"I'm ____ than ever, I'm ____ and free."

4 / 10

"You always had an eye for things that ____,
But I was far from being made of ____."

5 / 10

"She's been caught in ____ , and washed in the ____."

6 / 10

"It ain't like ____ and cigarette smoke,
It ain't like watered down ____ and coke."

7 / 10

"I bet you got a dead cell phone in your ____ seat, Yeah, I bet you're bending ____ 's ear talking 'bout me."

8 / 10

"I went ____ point seven seconds,
On a ____ named Fu Man Chu."

9 / 10

"Girl wherever sweet time ____ us,
Hang, with me down this ____ road."

10 / 10

"Don't make a difference to me ____, where the wind takes me, long as I'm with you ____."

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