What Wings of Fire Dragon Are You?
What Wings of Fire Dragon Are You?

Who are you most loyal to?
How close are you to the people you know?
Name your favorite weather.
Are you vegetarian?
Are you considered by your friends to be fiery?
Name your biggest fear out of these:
Which do you think is the most important in a friend?
You are strong and independent, and you can sometimes get carried away with revenge on someone you hate. You have a soft side, but on the outward appearance, you are cold, hard and almost emotionless. The only people who have seen your soft side are your close friends and family. You are immediately superior to others, and you are usually tall and athletic. You are good under pressure, and inside you are extremely loyal to your family and friends.
You are a good swimmer and you have many friends. You show many feelings outwardly, but you contain some of your darker feelings. You are strong and can be very dangerous if you want to. You are very, very loyal to anyone close to you, and you will fight to the death to save them.
You are defensive and caring. You are mischievous, and can always find something to cheer you up. You share most of your secrets with your closest companions, but you don't share everything. You have strength where almost no one else does. You are thin and wiry. You are quick on your feet, and can move very fast.
You like to relax in the sun, and are not particularly loyal to anyone. The only person you have any loyalty to at all could be your closest friend. You express all your feelings outwardly, but are secretly dangerous. You like to wear vibrant colors, and you have few secrets. The secrets you DO have are either odd or terrifying. You are way stronger than you look.
You hang out mostly in the dark. You like to wear dark colors, and keep usually to yourself. You don't like other people thinking they are superior to you, because you are obviously the one that should be in charge. You are good at art, reading, and writing. You only have a few close friends and don't trust a lot of people with your secrets. You are not very loyal to anyone but your family.
You like being warm, but not too warm, and you detest being cold. You are the most loyal person anyone will ever meet, and you would die several times for the people you love, and the people you hate. You are a friendly, caring person, and you have a great personality.
You are tall, and fiery. You like for everyone to agree with you and, you think highly of yourself. You are very accomplished, and you like to show off what you can do. You are extremely loyal to about 6 people in your life. You are fast and you can outrun just about anybody. You pack a lot of power into your body, and you love to socialize with anyone you meet. However, you keep a grudge for life, and you do not forgive easily.
What Wings of Fire Dragon Are You?