What is your Super Power
What is your Super Power
Ever wanted to be a superhero? Find out what powers you have in this test!
Ever wanted to be a superhero? Find out what powers you have in this test!

What drink do you prefer?
What element are you like?
What Greek God do you like?
What colour do you prefer?
What is your prefered friend?
Where would you live?
What Religion do you belive in?
What food Type do you prefer?
What book genres do you prefer?
Mind Reading
Mind Reading
You are very smart and clever but can be quite snappy. You are a leader and like to have power. No one bosses you around.
Super Speed
Super Speed
You are fast and athletic but can show off at times. You like to take control of situations even when they are nothing to do with you. You are very popular.
Super Strength
Super Strength
You are strong and brave. You do not fear very much and will always help a friend in need. You are kind and hide a soft side to yourseld.
You are kind and thoughtful. You are shy but have a few friends. You love your friends and will do anything to help. If you get in a fight you will always be first to resolve it.
Talking to Animals
Talking to Animals
You are sweet and pretty, you like all life and will save any dying life. You rarely think about yourself and would give up your time for others.
You have quite a short fuse and are quite fiesty. You like a fun game but can get into fights. You are sneaky and stealthy and love yourself.