What weird fruit are you?

Find out what weird fruit you are!

The Amazing Oriah
Created by The Amazing Oriah (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 1, 2017

What are you most afraid of?

Pick a favorite DC character

Pick your favorite footwear

Pick your favorite scent

Pick a color

Pick a home

Buddha Hand

Buddha Hand

You're a Buddha Hand! You are as sweet and sour as could be! You are not really edible but you smell good! You can be really sweet and don't try to be on the bitter side!

Miracle Fruit

Miracle Fruit

You are a Miracle Fruit! Yes that's a thing! You are joyful and happy. You understand things, well let's just say some people don't. You are a human miracle! keep on doing what you are doing!

Peanut Butter filled Sock!

Peanut Butter filled Sock!

That's right, you're a peanut butter filled sock! It's not a fruit but..... You're a little nutty and it's a good thing. You're always out of the box and standing out in public! One tip, NEVER fill your sock with peanut butter- it is gross.



You are a Durian! King of all fruits! You have a pokey outside, but in the inside you're yellow mellow! You are protective, but when you start knowing everyone around you, you tend to be funny and kind!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021