Which Orphan Black Character Are You?
Which Orphan Black Character Are You?
Not just clones! Are you Sarah, Cosima, Alison, Krystal, Helena, Rachel, Delphine, or Felix?
Not just clones! Are you Sarah, Cosima, Alison, Krystal, Helena, Rachel, Delphine, or Felix?

What do you value most?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
What are you best at?
What do you look for in a relationship?
Which appeals to you most?
Cat or dog?
Interested in men or women?
Choose a picture
Shaysima or Cophine?
Sarah Manning
Sarah Manning
You're the punky monkey! Always questioning the rules and doing anything to protect your friends and family.
Cosima Niehaus
Cosima Niehaus
You got Cosima! Adorable and nerdy, you love a good video game! You don't want others to worry about you ever.
Alison Hendrix
Alison Hendrix
You got Alison! You appear to care what everybody thinks about you, but you don"t. You seem calm in first impressions but once people get to know you, they realize you're crazy.
Krystal Goderich
Krystal Goderich
You got Krystal. You seem a little dull on the surface but you're actually pretty smart. You're an optimist and you don't let anything get you down.
Rachel Duncan
Rachel Duncan
You got Rachel! You're bold and very opinionated. You don't open up to many people and hardly show your emotions.
Delphine Cormier
Delphine Cormier
You got Delphine! You don't take any shit from anybody. You're very smart and often get your way by being so charming. You're nice but if somebody tries to hurt someone you love, watch out!
Felix Manning
Felix Manning
You got Felix! You're sassy and don't care what anyone thinks about you. You're outgoing and loving.