What Sport fits your personality?

What sport really "fits" you? Take the quiz and find out.

Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 2, 2015

How would you best describe yourself?

Are you the type of person to go to a party or stay home and watch TV?

Do you want to see the game get physical?

If you had one superpower what would it be.

What is your favorite video game character?



You're an aggressive, head-strong guy that loves to see it get physical. You are strong in every aspect.



You are laid-back and relaxed. You know how to keep your cool in situations.



You are an intelligent, wonderful, "people" person. You love speed, but strength is also essential to your success.



You're fast, strong, and a physical masterpiece, you love to see things get physical, but like to be social and work with others as well.



You are laid-back and generally prefer to be alone rather than with other people. You are stronger on the inside than others think.

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