What is your special power?
What is your special power?
Could your power be water, or the opposite element, fire, or something else? Well, take this test to find out your special power!
Could your power be water, or the opposite element, fire, or something else? Well, take this test to find out your special power!
What's your favorite color?
Witch one?
What Grades Do You Have
Do You Believe In Magic?
Would You Rather....
Would You Rather...
Snow/ Ice
Snow/ Ice
You are Snow/ Ice! Just like Elsa! You have a strong heart, and can tell what's right from wrong. You are stubborn and know what you want!
You are Water! You are gentle, but still strong. You are kind, but knowhow to handle things when they get out of hand.
You are Fire! You have a short temper, but at heart is kind. You like to be the boss, and alway have a plan.
You are air! You're not the best at school smarts, but out in the world you're the best. You stay true to who you are, and aren't afraid to be your crazy weird self!