SAS Base Programming (A00-233) Certification Exam Sample Questions
SAS Base Programming (A00-233) Certification Exam Sample Questions
Start Here---> <---Get complete detail on A00-233 exam guide to crack SAS 9.4. You can collect all information on A00-233 tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm your knowledge on SAS 9.4 and get ready to crack A00-233 certification. Explore all information on A00-233 exam with the number of questions, passing percentage, and time duration to complete the test.
Start Here---> <---Get complete detail on A00-233 exam guide to crack SAS 9.4. You can collect all information on A00-233 tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm your knowledge on SAS 9.4 and get ready to crack A00-233 certification. Explore all information on A00-233 exam with the number of questions, passing percentage, and time duration to complete the test.

01. Which type of delimited file does PROC IMPORT read by default?
02. What is a SAS library?
03. Using ODS statements, how many types of output can you generate at once?
04.What are the temporary variables that can be helpful when debugging a DATA step?
05. How long do librefs remain in effect?