Which Sonic character are you?

Using this quiz, find out if you are Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Tails, Amy, or Knuckles.

Pam Horne
Created by Pam Horne(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 30, 2017

What is your favorite animal?

What is your favorite song?

Do you ever think of others?

Do you think talking hedgehogs will ever exist?

Who do you hope you receive?

Do you think Shadow will ever kill Sonic?



You are Sonic, the fun-loving hedgehog. You are speedy, daring, and crazy. You are on a mission to save your friends. You wish for world peace and to make Shadow your friend.



You are the ultimate lifeform. You are not afraid to fight your friends. Your enemy Sonic will never beat you even if he tries to stop you. You are very evil.



You got the soda-loving hedgehog. You don't know what baking soda is, so you go and stick a soda into the oven. You call Sonic the Iblis Trigger.



You are a fox. You have two tails to help you fly high into the air. You are very smart.



You are the fun-loving girl. You love Sonic a lot. Watch out Sonic! Sorry about picture. I didn't have any with Amy.



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