Which Sonic the Hedgehog theme song fits you?
Which Sonic the Hedgehog theme song fits you?
Do you like the Sonic games? Do you like the music from the games?
If so, you will like this quiz to find out what song fits you from the Sonic video games.
Do you like the Sonic games? Do you like the music from the games?
If so, you will like this quiz to find out what song fits you from the Sonic video games.
What saying describes you best?
Who is your favorite character out of these?
What is your favorite animal?
Nearing the end, what do you hope you get?
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I Am... All of Me
I Am... All of Me
You got the song that if you are evil like Shadow, it explains your life somehow or another.
Don't tell Shadow because he'll laugh and watch you fall.
All Hail Shadow
All Hail Shadow
Sorry about picture, can't find one for song, but then again I can't describe the song except that it is about Shadow.
We Can
We Can
All I can say is, go Team Sonic.
What Does the Fox Say?
What Does the Fox Say?
Sorry for the ones who can't stand it.
Dreams of an Absolution
Dreams of an Absolution