Can I Guess What Style Of YA Book Covers You Adore?
Can I Guess What Style Of YA Book Covers You Adore?
If you're a bookworm, there's an astronomical chance that you LOVE covers. I'm not talking about puppy love, peoples. I'm talking about true, deep, lifelong, passionate love. Covers + bookworms = true love.
This quiz is attempting to predict the styles of YA book covers you love the most. Unless your answer is "ALL THE PRETTY COVERS" and in that case this quiz will fail you.
If you're a bookworm, there's an astronomical chance that you LOVE covers. I'm not talking about puppy love, peoples. I'm talking about true, deep, lifelong, passionate love. Covers + bookworms = true love.
This quiz is attempting to predict the styles of YA book covers you love the most. Unless your answer is "ALL THE PRETTY COVERS" and in that case this quiz will fail you.
How's your handwriting?
Are you a neat or messy person?
Which outfit?
Which cake?
Pick a YA book genre.
Do you buy books based on covers alone?
What gets your attention?
Pick a color
The Font Fanatic
The Font Fanatic
Titles are important. Fonts are fantastic. So let’s just focus on these beautiful hand drawn fonts. Possibly fall in love with them. Possibly run away and marry them.
The Starry-Eyed
The Starry-Eyed
There is something utterly entrancing about the sky, right? It’s absolutely starrily magical. You basically can’t go wrong if you throw a galaxy over the top.
You like covers where things are happening. ACTION! ADVENTURE! STAB THE ENEMY! Weapons? Yes please. Kick-butt heroes and heroines? Sign you up ASAP.
The Queen of Sparkly Dresses
The Queen of Sparkly Dresses
Let no one ever say that they've had enough of those gorgeously wonderful dresses on book covers. THEY ROCK YOUR WORLD. The colors! The layers! The sparkles! You're pretty extra sure you were born to be queen of a fantasy land because you need dresses like that in your life. But for now? These books grace your shelves with their beauty.
The Minimalist
The Minimalist
It's all about clean, crisp and simple designs. Something about them speak to you on a deep level, to be honest. Is it the simple, eye-catching design? Is it the meaningful illustration? Is it the thick block colors? You love how it's simple and not cluttered.
The Persona
The Persona
You are the one most likely to say "LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M READING YOU". Covers with faces rock your world because you like a clear idea of your new bookish BFF or crush or both at the same time.
Please, let's have EVERYTHING by hand drawn. Art is life, and you know this for a fact. Plus they would totally make perfect wall art. Is it socially acceptable to plaster your walls with book covers? YOU SAY YES